The Pyramid Texts
The Road Map to Eternal Life

Adults ≥ 17 Yrs Group of 2
Groups 3-5 adults
Groups ≥ 6 adults
Child 6 – 16.9 Yrs
Saqqara is the most excavated site in Egypt.  For over 200 years the site has been the centre of excavations and projects that have revealed so much about life in ancient Egypt. Saqqara is the largest necropolis (city of the dead) anywhere in the world.
This extraordinary day will take you experiencing the following:
- Unas’s Pyramid – the site of the famed Pyramid Texts which dictated how Unas and pharaohs transcended to the gods. You will go inside the pyramid to see the Pyramid Texts. There is only a maximum of 15 persons allowed daily into the tomb and you will be one of them.
- Imhotep’s Museum in the Saqqara Necropolis contains a sample of the amazing finds from the excavation sites. Imhotep was the architect of the Stepped Pyramid and there has also been a concerted effort to locate his burial tomb. The Museum provides a snapshot of the importance of the site in ancient times.
- The Stepped Pyramid and an exploration of a subterranean tomb which, in 2022, showcased some amazing recent finds of tomb decorations and mummies. There are over 400 underground chambers beneath the Stepped Pyramid.
Unas’s Pyramid
Unas  was a pharaoh, the ninth and last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt during the Old Kingdom. Unas reigned for 15 to 30 years in the mid-24th century BC (circa 2345–2315 BC),
Unas’s pyramid and its immediate area became the subject of investigation in the 1880’s. The hieroglyphics fund on the walls of the pharaohs burial chamber corridor, antechamber and passageway was an astonishing ‘find’.
On the walls and surrounding the sarcophagus of Unas was the spiritual roadmap for the pharaoh’s ascension to the afterlife. And as new pyramids and tombs were discovered, the unifying factor for the burial chambers and tombs that followed this pharaoh, was the roadmap to eternal life.
This tour is an amazing experience, and our guide will take you through the very practical steps that pharaohs and their priests undertook each day to ensure an eternal life for the pharaoh and for peace and prosperity for his subjects. This was not an after-death experience, because the planning for it had gone on with the pharaoh when he or she was alive.
The Pyramid Texts – A Hugely Consequential Discovery
- The discovery of Pyramid Texts, within Unas’s pyramid and burial chamber to help and direct Unas into the afterlife, was an enormous event. The gateway to the afterlife!
- The 283 spells in Unas’s pyramid constitute the oldest and best preserved corpus of religious writing from the Old Kingdom.
- Their function was to guide the ruler through to eternal life and ensure his continued survival, even if the funerary cult, ceased to function.
- The inscriptions, known as the Pyramid Texts, were the central innovation of Unas’s pyramid but thereafter adorned the walls of many pharaohs burial chambers.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Unas’s Accession to the Afterlife
- The spells of Una’s Pyramid Texts are divided into two broad categories: Sacerdotal and Personal
- The Sacerdotal texts are ritual in nature and were conducted by the priest. They consist of offering spells and were conducted daily.
- The remaining texts are Personal and are broadly concerned with guiding the spirit out of the tomb, and into their new life. They consist of provisioning (how the pharaoh secures their food), how they can transition (almost like a self-help guide), and protective texts. They are amazingly practical steps.
The Funeral Complex of Pharaohs
The pharaohs pyramid was just one part of structures which supported the spiritual guidance by the priests and the cult of the pharaoh.  Other structures included a temple (called a Valley Temple), a causeway, a mortuary, a cult pyramid and the main pyramid which contained the pharaohs mummified remains. It was crucial that the pharaoh’s mummified body were kept secure. For if it was destroyed, then the purpose of the priests was irrelevant.  Hence the colossal effort to secure the remains in chambers with elaborate security or to hide them below the monuments.
Such structures were part of a pharaohs funeral compound. Without them (such as the pyramid of Meidum) Egyptologists are in doubt about the purpose of the structure and whether any pharaoh had been buried there.  But all these structures were part of Unas’s pyramid compound. And specifically:
- The causeway that connects the valley temple to the mortuary temple of Unas’s pyramid complex. Unas’s causeway is also the best preserved of any from the Old Kingdom.
- The interior walls of the causeway were highly decorated with painted reliefs. The remnants depict a variety of scenes including the hunting of wild animals, the conducting of harvests, scenes from the markets, craftsmen working copper and gold as well as famine.
- The site required an exceptionally long causeway to a former, but now dried up lake, suggesting the site held some significance to Unas.
Ancient Egyptian belief held that the individual consisted of three basic parts.
- The body, the ka, and the ba.
- When the person died, the ka would separate from the body and return to the gods from where it had come, while the ba remained with the body.
- The body of the individual, interred in the burial chamber, never physically left; but the ba, awakened, released itself from the body and began its journey towards new life.
- The purpose of the pyramid texts was to enable the reunion of the ruler’s ba and ka leading to the transformation into an akh, and to secure eternal life among the gods in the sky.
- Significant to this journey was the Akhet that is, the horizon, a convergence between the earth, the sky, and the underworld
- The Akhet, according to the Ancient Egyptians, was the place from where the sun rose and symbolised birth or resurrection
- In the Pyramid Texts, the king is called upon to transform into an akh, literally meaning another being or life force. This is a resurrected form of the deceased, achieved by individual action and the spiritual rituals of the priest.
- If the deceased failed to complete the transformation…they died.
- Sections of the Pyramid Texts were passed down into the Coffin Texts found on non-royal tombs of the Middle Kingdom and the Coffin Texts formed the basis for the Book of the Dead in the New Kingdom.

Ancient Egyptian Research Association
One Horizon Africa is a member of AERA. AERA brings together archaeologists and specialists from around the world to address questions regarding the origin, nature, and development of the Egyptian state. By becoming a member of AERA you support the training of young Egyptian archaeologists and the survey, mapping, excavation, and the analysis of archaeological sites. We encourage everyone to become a member and support the work of AERA.
What You Can Expect from This Experience
This tour combines a combination of the active excavations and what is being discovered now, as well as past ‘finds’ like the Pyramid Texts. And our guests can walk the causeway that would have been done by countless ancient Egyptians and the burial procession when Unas was interred.
The ritualistic burial process was meant to secure the body of the pharaoh and to liberate his ‘soul’.  And this was supposed to happen every day after the death of the pharaoh. And it is this experience that you will inspire you. Deep seated beliefs which unified a nation.
We will tell you the story, with the evidence, for you to make your own judgement. An amazing civilisation that, for every part of their lives, believed that life was a journey and who worked as a unified team to deliver eternal life.
Unas’s Pyramid and the Pyramid Texts
- The existence of the Pyramid Texts and what they meant, has been one of the major finds in archaeology. It identified the touchstones between the belief system of the ancient Egyptians and the pharaohs transition to the afterlife. And you will see the Pyramid Texts.  You will probably be surprised about how practical they were.
The Imhotep Museum
- Imhotep was the architect of the Stepped Pyramid which is virtually adjacent to Unas’s pyramid. The Stepped Pyramid was the first stone-built pyramid and the first skyscraper in the world. And it not only glorified the pharaoh Djoser but Imhotep as well. And you will see objects and exhibits that were found immediately around the site that you are visiting.
- The Museum holds examples of what was uncovered at Saqqara and there is also a concerted effort to locate the burial site of Imhotep himself. Imhotep is now considered the world first genius and was later deified by the Egyptians.
The Stepped Pyramid and a Subterranean Tomb
- The Stepped Pyramid was the first stone pyramid ever built and was the tallest building in the world for over 4.500 years. It was the skyscraper of its era.
- The scale of the Saqqara Necropolis will astound you and, on this tour, you are amid the largest city of the dead in the world. As recently as 2024, Egyptologists were still uncovering new, unknown and intact tombs.
- An appreciation of the skills of the ancient Egyptians will forge an understanding of just how sophisticated and inventive they were and will, we believe, inspire you to know more.
- Without Imhotep’s skills, it is unlikely that the Giza Plateau pyramids would ever have been built.
- Whilst we will be entering a subterranean tomb, there are in fact over 400 subterranean chambers beneath the Stepped Pyramid that are about 3-4 miles in length.
Leaving Saqqara for Lunch
We enjoy taking our guess out for lunch because it’s another way to experience Egyptian culture. We just want to make the following points. We only take our guests to the best restaurants. We place good hygiene and cleanliness within those establishments as the number 1 priority.  The restaurants offer both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options.  If you choose to pass on lunch, we won’t take it personally.  But please be assured, your health and safety is our overriding priority.
- Pick up and return to your hotel in air conditioned vehicles
- Water
- Lunch at a local restaurant
- Services of an English-speaking guide
- Entrance fees to each pyramid (Stepped and Unas)
- Entrance fees to the subterranean chamber at of the Stepped Pyramid
- Personal expenditure of any kind
- Tips
- Alcoholic Drinks and extra meals (other than those stated in the itinerary)
Saqqara is the most excavated site in Egypt and has recently revealed exciting discoveries. And you will have the experience of entering some tombs.  Hence a glimpse of what you will be part of. Please click here Tombs in Saqqara necropolis
Dr Mark Lehner ranks amongst the most outstanding Egyptologists of the modern era. Within a select group of Egyptologists such as Petrie, Carter, Hawass and others, Mark has earned his international reputation based on over 40 years of conducting research and excavations in Egypt. His discoveries, such as the workers village close to the Giza Pyramids, and his academic treatise and publications have contributed greatly to the world’s understanding of ancient Egypt. Mark is also the founder of the Ancient Egyptians Research Associates (AERA) whose work includes training the next generation of Egyptian Egyptologists.
Within One Horizon, training our tour guides so that they provide our clients with the most factual, up to date and insightful information draws heavily from Mark’s 40 years of research, analysis and dedication. And so, our guides remain at the forefront of current learnings and knowledge that enhances our guests Egyptian experience with us.

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