Our Story

Our Story

The journey to improving lives

One Horizon’s model of sustainable and responsible tourism has gained an international reputation for supporting Kenya’s communities in need and providing unique and memorable experiences for travellers

Earlier Days

The seeds for One Horizon were planted when two travelling Australians looked for a way to help solve the problems of poverty in Africa.

They approached a needy and impoverishedcommunity to ask if they could start a feeding program. The answer was yes and the results were immediate.Next they introduced an education program to the school and worked to ensure it was on par with the curriculum offered in more privileged African schools. On the back of this success, they knew they had to look for other ways to help the disadvantaged and find ways to break Africa’s generational cycle of poverty.

Earlier Days
Earlier Days

Again they approached the community, and this time to ask if they could introduce training programs that would enable vulnerable women to start sustainable businesses so they could keep their families together.Their innovative programs all centred around forming strong partnerships with local African communities and providing African people with opportunities to take ownership of changing their lives. Their approach resonated with community leaders, who embraced the opportunity, and the programs began to have a phenomenal impact on the welfare and prospects of people helped by these grassroots social enterprises.

One Horizon wanted to take more poverty-alleviating programs into more communities and found a way to do this by getting other travellersinvolved. By creating unique tour experiences for people from around the world, One Horizon was born…holidays that change lives.

Present Day

Today One Horizon has, on average, about 50 different programs, some of which help entire communities by providing them with a daily meal, irrigation, fresh water, electricity, bio-gas and ablution facilities as well as housing resettlement projects and vocational training.

Decision Making

We believe that decision making and therefore support of initiatives needs to be driven by Kenyans

Our Ethos

Our ethos involves One Horizon Africa making possible the funding to enable sustainable programs to be actioned and implemented as well as the accountability of the funds invested in initiatives. A key aspect of this is to ensure that there are quantifiable improvements in the lives of the people in the communities who are the recipients of the programs.

Present Day
Present Day
What We Do Not Believe In

What We Do Not Believe In

We do not believe that the interests of children are served by their incarceration in orphanages. Hence, we do not support or take part in any activity or organisation that is involved in such activities.

What is the End Game?

The overall aim of our approach is to ensure that families can stay together. Consequently, we target grandmas (who have a huge role in Kenya bringing up their grandchildren) and in young women. Many of our projects are driven by strategies that ensure that families are able to stay together.

The International Ecoturism Society

We are a proud member of
The International Ecotourism Society

Which brings together individuals and organisations committed to helping local communities and the environment.

Unique Tour

Unique Cultural
Holiday Experiences

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